Ghost Month: To Invest or Not?

The month of August marks the beginning of the slow trading activity, minimal financial dealings, and red portfolios all around. Ghost month has already begun, thus, many people wonder if it’s safe to keep investing during Ghost month or if it’s better to wait until the end of the month before they should invest and handle big money matters. But here’s what you should consider before you choose to invest or not to invest this month.

What is Ghost month

Ghost month is a tradition that originates from Chinese Buddhist and Taoist influences, which starts on the seventh month of the lunar calendar. During this season, it is believed that ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm and bring forth bad luck. In 2021, Ghost month starts on August 8 and ends on September 6.

Money Taboos

Because the gates of hell are believed to be opened during this time, there are multiple taboos that the Chinese advise people to avoid, such as: investing, selling assets, and buying a house or a car, lest you bring forth bad luck or misfortune.


However, if you’re the type of person who isn’t particularly superstitious, then we suggest you treat this time to look for more opportunities. If you’re investing long-term, this is a good time to average down your portfolio as the prices decline. You can take advantage of “discounted prices” to accumulate shares.

Whether you choose to exercise prudence, or take advantage of the market this month, here in Investa, we always encourage investors to be smart and make informed decisions about their money, whether or not it’s the Ghost month.

Not investing in the markets this Ghost Month? Then invest in yourself!

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