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The 3 Hacks I Learned to Make Investing Fun

Even though I learned a lot about economics, trading, and the like, investing was still a habit that hadn’t stuck with me yet. This is when I realized I had to make investing fun. 

It’s always easy for us to do things we enjoy, and vice versa. No matter how important something may be, we’ll always find it a chore if it’s boring. If we can make investing fun, it becomes less of a hassle and more of something we look forward to. Here are 3 hacks I learned that helped me to do so.

Treat Investing Like a Game

Chances are, you’ve already tried playing games such as Monopoly and the like when you were younger. These games were fun as they rewarded you for constantly investing, and of course, staying out of jail. Similarly, how we deal with our finances can be treated in the same way. Oftentimes we should also rely on a steady source of income, then use it to build our investments. In the case of Monopoly, that was buying up properties and building hotels. 

Different people probably have different games in mind. Whatever it may be, try to find something you can compare investing to. Of course, a big help would be to keep track of how your portfolio’s progressing. In a way, you can treat it as your real-life level or rank in order to make investing fun.

Diversifying for an Ego Boost

Speaking of tracking your progress, it’s also a big help for you to find “easy small profits.” Investing in the long term can be hard and stressful. You’ll most likely be subject to the market’s volatility and will experience losses every now and then. 

To help make investing fun, adding in short-term investments such as treasuries, bonds, or even partaking in promos from digital banks can help you experience the joy of seeing some of your investments make a profit. The fruits of long-term investments really take time before you start to enjoy them. In the meantime, short-term investments can help you to find small wins to celebrate.

Join Forums

“Have you heard about stock $XYZ? I heard they’re making a breakthrough soon!” “I heard $MOON is gonna be acquired, do you think this is a solid opportunity?” As social creatures, we tend to find joy in doing endeavors as a community. There are many forums like r/invest and Trading Tips PH, where people talk all about investing.

While it might seem like investing is all about numbers and ratios, the truth is every successful investment has a narrative. By talking with peers, you gain useful knowledge of what’s the story behind the numbers. And of course, who doesn’t like hearing about market gossip from time to time? 

Last words

Investing is an integral part of how we reach our financial goals. No financially independent person has ever done it without investing in one form or another.

By making investing fun, we can make it easier for us to strive toward financial freedom. Like in the game of Monopoly, as we continue to build our portfolio we’ll eventually improve our finances. Just make sure to stay away from jail while you’re at it. 

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