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How to Stay Sane and Productive During Extended ECQ

So, our extended community quarantine (ECQ) is extended for two more weeks.

How are you?
Still hanging in there?
Or cabin fever is starting to strike?

Staying at home is the sacrifice we can all do so we can save ourselves, our families, and our fellowmen from this distressing COVID-19. However, seeing the same walls and doing the same things for 24 hours, 7 days a week can take a toll on us, especially to those extroverts. So, how can we survive this new normal? How can we maximize our day so we can get out of ECQ with our minds still intact? Here are some simple ways on how to stay sane and productive during this crisis.

1. Wake up and get up

We are currently living in unusual and uncertain times, so congratulate yourself for simply waking up. If you want to take your day up a notch, get up immediately and stay away from the bed. Avoid scrolling through your newsfeed while in bed. Avoid answering emails while half-awake. The longer you are in bed, the more sluggish you will feel, and it will be so hard to jumpstart your day.

2. Have your quiet time

After moving away from your sleeping place, find a private spot to have your quiet time. You can meditate, pray, or read a book that can feed your soul. The world is currently full of anxieties, thus it is important that you get in tune with yourself before you face today’s challenges and discouraging news. It is also important to make gratitude a habit. Reflect on your life and look for things that you want to be thankful for. This simple practice will definitely help you find the bright side during these dark times.

3. Exercise

The Department of Health is encouraging us to work together so we can flatten the curve. But with our current routine of eat-sleep-repeat, it seems that we are fattening our curves! Thus, we need to get fit. Don’t worry about closed gyms. We can always get our fitness classes on Youtube. Thousands of mobile fitness apps are also available. Exercise is a good way to combat cabin fever for physical activity releases endorphins which gives us a happy feeling.

4. Take a bath

After sweating your heart out with your home workout, treat yourself to a nice bath. Relieve yourself from the summer heat while washing those worries away.

5. Cook great breakfasts and make good coffees

There is something about breakfast that is so comforting. A plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and one hot coffee can be your little hugs in these heartbreaking times. So, start your day with your favorite breakfast. You can feel energized while also getting comfort from a home-cooked meal.

6. Groom yourself

It is so hard to jumpstart our work from home (WFH) because we have that concept of our home being a no-work-zone. However, WFH is our new normal, thus we need to do our best to adapt.

One way of triumphing over sluggishness is power dressing. Make your home your workplace by simply wearing your office clothes. It may seem ridiculous at first, but it is an effective way to trick your mind into being productive and finishing your tasks for the day.

7. Get some work done

Now that you are done with your pre-work rituals, it is time to get actual work done. Before you fire up that laptop, make a to-do list first. This simple list can guide you throughout the day. It is an effective tool to stay on track and avoid the temptations of binge-watching on Netflix.

8. Take breaks

Be careful not to wear yourself out during ECQ. Our health is still our priority during these times. To avoid fatigue, try working on 30-minute intervals. That is working uninterruptedly for 30 minutes, take a short break, then continue again for 30 minutes until all items on your checklist are all crossed out. During breaks, stand up and do some stretches. Also, do not forget to hydrate yourself, okay?

9. Learn something new

It is so tempting to work non-stop during ECQ because our laptops are just an arm away. Notifications can ping anytime. However, we must set at least an hour to do something that is non-work related. Let’s take this opportunity to learn something that we are passionate about. What is that thing that you have been wanting to learn? What is that thing that would make your heart alive again?

Go online and you will see many institutions that are offering free lessons during the quarantine period. Study that musical instrument. Learn how to dance. Practice how to cook or sew. Make that furniture. Learn about the stock market. Now that we have all the time in the world, pursue the thing that you have been putting off for a long time.

10. Sleep

Though you are currently working from home, do not be pressured to be overly productive. Our sanity, our health, and our survival must be our priorities. After finishing all your tasks, do not be guilty to watch Netflix and chill. Or better yet, just sleep. Take this once in a lifetime opportunity to take back all those sleepless nights. Tomorrow is another day, another battle. But for now, enjoy your bed, have a peaceful sleep, and forget all the discouragements for a moment.

Make this extended ECQ worthwhile by joining in Investa Online Summit. Whether you want to learn something new or you just want to improve your investing skills, Investa Online Summit has invited top entrepreneurs and master traders to teach you on how to boost your income, how to build crisis-resilient businesses, and how to make winning trades so you can protect yourself and your family from market crashes.

Join Investa Online Summit now!
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